Parents » Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

- Who does it?
Everyone does it. We are all Grizzlies: Staff, Students, and Parents!

- What is it?
PBIS, or SWPBIS (School Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports), organize their evidence-based behavioral practices and systems into an integrated collection or continuum in which students experience supports based on their behavioral responsiveness to intervention. A three-tiered prevention logic requires that all students receive supports at the universal or primary tier. If the behavior of some students is not responsive, more intensive behavioral supports are provided, in the form of a group contingency (selected or secondary tier) or a highly individualized plan (intensive or tertiary tier).

- Where is it?
It is everywhere: classrooms, hallways, courtyards, gyms, sporting events, assemblies, and in our community. 

- When is it?
It is ever present: Before school, during school and after school.
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(Since 9/15/2013)

The Parts of PBIS:

PBIS Breakdown
PBS Elements